十年网站开发经验 + 多家企业客户 + 靠谱的建站团队
量身定制 + 运营维护+专业推广+无忧售后,网站问题一站解决
关于许可证问题的最终解决方法: 1.打开C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\License\ B1Upf.xml文件,搜索哪些帐号下面有 “PROFESSIONAL”(不同类型的用户,中间的值会有变化),查找到目前所有帐套中都不存在的用户,例如:temp01,temp02。 2.恢复一个测试库,添加两用户temp01,temp02,在许可证管理中,将许可证分配去掉。再删除测试库。这样正式库中的可用数又恢复正常。SAP的相关NOTE:951816SolutionA user with a license allocated to her/him has been deleted from the system without deallocating the license first, or a company with users assigned has been deleted without deallocating the licenses first.Each time a license is allocated/deallocated an entry is generated in an xml file "B1Upf.xml"(Path: C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\License\ B1Upf.xml).If a user/database is deleted without previous deallocation of a license that entry is not removed from the file thus taking up a license space.To resolve the issue follow these steps:1. Close all SAP Business One clients.2. Make a copy of the file (C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\License\B1Upf.xml) and save it with a different name or in a different folder.3. Delete the original file.4. Stop/Start the license server.5. Connect to SAP Business One and assign the licenses (Administration - License - License Administration). You will need to reassign licenses for all your users.
xp下:C:\Documents and Settings\你的用户名\Local Settings\Application Data\SAP\SAP Business One
win7下:c:\用户名\你的用户名\appxx..\sap\SAP Business One
License Manager 是许可证服务器,必须安装的组件SBO BackUp 自动备份程序,相当于数据库的自动备份,备份文件以.BU结尾,其实质即使数据库备份,基本上不用SBO DI Server DI SERVER必备的组件,用于SDK开发的程序,和DI类似SBO Mailer 邮件配置服务器,缺点是每个SBO Mailer只能设置一个发件人Early Watch Alert、SAP Business One EventSender Service、SAP Business One Integration Service三个服务基本上用不到,传说是用于SOA啥啥的,安装的话会安装TOMCAT,经常导致无故消耗大量资源,最好不装。